‘To be a Player, not a Piece’: LMX-Relationships in Late-career Employment





Employment, Wages, Unemployment & Rehabilitation, Gender, Ethnicity, Age and Diversity, Organization & Management


This study employs qualitative interviews with employees (50+) and managers from Norwegian private companies to investigate how retirement age norms affect leader–member exchange (LMX) relationships in the late stages of employment.This research reveals that organizational practices incentivizing early retirement establish retirement age norms and create pressures that significantly impact the LMX dynamic. Employees perceive managers as key in alleviating these pressures. However, the ability of managers to shield employees from retirement pressures varies, as managers face several competing challenges, such as providing opportunities and development for younger employees. While high-quality LMX relationships are crucial in reducing retirement pressures for older employees, differing managerial practices lead to varied support levels within the same organization, putting older employees in precarious positions. The article advocates for policy reforms that limit organizational early retirement practices and promote extended working lives, ensuring a more supportive employment environment for aging workers in private organizations.

Author Biography

Hege Sofie Hesselberg, Institute for Social Research

PhD Candidate. E-mail: h.s.hesselberg@samfunnsforskning.no


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How to Cite

Hesselberg, H. S. (2024). ‘To be a Player, not a Piece’: LMX-Relationships in Late-career Employment. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.18291/njwls.147923


