Er ordbøker lingvistiske nok? Om preposisjonssemantikk og ein grammatisk basis for ordbogsartiklar


  • Leiv Inge Aa


As for monolingual dictionaries, it is not easy to create good definitions of prepositions since they are highly polysemous and apparently seem to lack a common denominator. However, in the spirit of Bouchard (1995), I argue that each preposition has one basic linguistic meaning (Grammar semantics) independently of context, interpretation, pragmatics and world knowledge – which covers all its usage (its Situational semantics). The advantages of pursuing such a system are numerous: A well-founded separation of polysemy from homonymy, a more homogeneous and predictable dictionary entry, and clear criteria for what counts as the semantics expressed by the preposition itself and what is given by its surroundings. I mainly discuss the Norwegian prepositions i ‘in’, på ‘on’ and med ‘with’.




How to Cite

Aa, L. I. (2015). Er ordbøker lingvistiske nok? Om preposisjonssemantikk og ein grammatisk basis for ordbogsartiklar. LexicoNordica, (20). Retrieved from