Raija Hurme, Maritta Pesonen & Olli Syvlioja: Englanti-Suomi opiskelusanakirja ('Engelsk-finsk studieordbok')


  • Leena Sarvas


Anmeldt værk:

Raija Hurme, Maritta Pesonen, Olli Syvaoja: Englanti-Suomi opiskelusanakirja
('Engelsk-finsk studieordbok'). WSOY, Juva 1994. Pris 157

In this contribution, the author examiries a new medium-sized English-Finnish dictionary
by putting it in a user's test. Comparisons are made with a large bilingual dictionary
compiled by the same authors. The inclusion of new words in some special
quickly developing fields and slang, the handy size of the book, as well as the outlay
and setting of the head words are positive features of the work. Tue author reminds of
the structural differences of the languages involved and is more critical towards the
pragmatic way of classifying some words, primarily adjectives: in some cases subarticles
with examples of contexts would be preferable. She would also like to have a
preface with more information on the sources and theoretical principles of the work.




How to Cite

Sarvas, L. (1995). Raija Hurme, Maritta Pesonen & Olli Syvlioja: Englanti-Suomi opiskelusanakirja (’Engelsk-finsk studieordbok’). LexicoNordica, (2). Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/lexn/article/view/19104