Jean-Michel Kalmbach: Suomi-ranska opiskelusanakirja ('Finsk-fransk studieordbok'); Seppo Sundelin: Ranska-suomi opiskelusanakirja ('Fransk-finsk studieordbok')


  • Heikki E.S. Mattila


the dictionaries concerned, sources used by the authors, reference system between
articles, appendices, phraseology, vocabulary of different styles (vulgar, colloquial,
Iiterary) and jargons, proper names, and bibliography. The reliability of the translations
given in the dictionaries is only exarninated with respect to the legal terminology
included in them.
The general opinion of the reviewer is very positive. He, however, makes some
propositions for later editions. For example, more proper names could be added and,
besides, readers could be told how foreign proper names have normally been adapted
to the systems of the languages concerned (orthographic alterations etc.). Since no
dictionary can be perfect, more detailed bibliographies would also be very useful.





How to Cite

Mattila, H. E. (1995). Jean-Michel Kalmbach: Suomi-ranska opiskelusanakirja (’Finsk-fransk studieordbok’); Seppo Sundelin: Ranska-suomi opiskelusanakirja (’Fransk-finsk studieordbok’). LexicoNordica, (2). Retrieved from