Grammatiske oplysninger i. tekniske fagordbøger


  • Jette Pedersen


As compared to bilingual general dictionaries and not least monolingual English
learners' dictionaries, grarnrnatical information in technical Danish-English dictionaries
is sparse indeed. It therefore appears that the specialised lexicographer would be
well advised to use the learner's dictionary as a model for grarnrnatical information
when designing new technical dictionaries. This approach is based on the assumption
that the same grarnrnar applies to the LSP under consideration as applies to general
language. On the basis of extracts from an authentic technical English text corpus,
however, not only marked constructions but downright deviations from general-language
grarnrnar may be ascertained. The lexicographical solution chosen here is a differential
grarnrnar to be incorporated in the dictionary outside matter as an independent
component, but at the same time interacting with the dictionary rnicrostructure to the
greatest possible extent. Foliowing a general discussion of the relationship between
the dictionacy on the one band and the grarnrnar on the other, the article goes on to
examine the information required by the non-native speaker to enable him to make
grarnrnatically correct choices in connection with technical English translation and text
production as well as the distribution structure of the grarnrnatical information required.
The discussion, which is based on the assumption that the resulting texts
observe traditional register usage, is exemplary, being Iirnited to nouns with dual
class membership, count and noncount, and nouns. as norninators.




How to Cite

Pedersen, J. (1995). Grammatiske oplysninger i. tekniske fagordbøger. LexicoNordica, (2). Retrieved from