Produktionsordböcker – vad är det?
What lexical assistance could be useful in second-language production? Lexicographers
would probably say something about active dictionaries. So what is an
active dictionary (or a dictionary of encoding or production) for L2 production?
It is nota learner's dictionary in the Longman and COBUILD tradition, neither is it
just a bilingual dictionary. In fäet, there is something to be said for various aspects of
both traditions. A good, active tool for L2 production should help the learner to produce
an L2 text, using correct syntax and idiomatic expressions. There are two ways
leading to this goal. One way is going deeper - much deeper - into the contrastive
description of the languages involved, including definition, valency data, contrasting
semantic fields and collocations. The other way leads the leamer back to the language
surface by using parallell corpora. This is one example of lexicography at the crossroads.
The concept of dictionary is becoming more and more heterogeneous.
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