Kan man tillämpa principerna för terminologiarbete när man kompletterar Eurodicautom med svenska termer?


  • Kjell Westerberg
  • Maria Gustafsson


During the last three years the Swedish Centre for Technical Terminology (TNC) has been entrusted by the European Commission to produce Swedish material for the EU's termbank. More than 110.000 entries have been supplemented with Swedish terms and references, and to some extent with definitions and comments. The con-cepts which have been treated belong to a broad spectrum of subject fields.
In many respects the task of providing Swedish equivalents for the termbank has resembled lexicographical work rather than traditional terminology work. For the majority, the material which was originally included in the Eurodicautom termbank consisted of technical glossaries. The current entries are, with few exceptions, dic-tionary articles which have gradually been supplied with the other official EU lan-guages, as new member states have joined.
This article provides a description of the working principles which have been used during this project and which in some respects diverge from the traditional working methods of a terminological centre. In other respects, e.g. the close collaboration with subject field specialists, it has been possible to retain the principles, but we have had to adapt some of the working methods to the specific conditions of this project.
The result is exemplified and commented upon with the given limitations taken into consideration. Furthermore we illustrate the dilemmas of making a correct eco-nomic judgement when purchasing terminological services which are difficult to specify and when the overall competence of the potential contractors is unknown.




How to Cite

Westerberg, K., & Gustafsson, M. (1998). Kan man tillämpa principerna för terminologiarbete när man kompletterar Eurodicautom med svenska termer?. LexicoNordica, (5). Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/lexn/article/view/18858



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