"Terminografi och facklexikografi – blir det samma sak nu när ordböckerna blir databaser?"


  • Bo Svensén


During the last twenty years there has been some discussion as to whether technical lexicography and terminography should be regarded as (more or less) one and the same discipline or as two different disciplines. By and large, lexicographers have favoured the former opinion, whereas terminographers have tended to support the latter. In this contribution, the most important arguments brought forward in the discussion are examined and an attempt is made to answer the question whether the differences (if any) are likely to be reduced or eliminated now that technical dictionaries to an ever increasing extent are published as data bases.




How to Cite

Svensén, B. (1998). "Terminografi och facklexikografi – blir det samma sak nu när ordböckerna blir databaser?". LexicoNordica, (5). Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/lexn/article/view/18855



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