Kollokationelle og syntaktiske angivelser i en teknisk oversættelses- og produktionsordbog for fremmedsprogsbrugere


  • Jette Pedersen


It is assumed that not least common words, i.e. words belonging in the intersection between LSP and general language, present a number problems in terms of equiva-lence, collocation and complementation in connection with L1-L2 translation and L2 production of technical texts. To this end, such a word, represented by the Danish verb afbryde 'interrupt', is selected from a concrete technical text, in which it occurs with no less than 12 different objects as well as, in one context, without an object. Existing dictionaries of a variety of types as well as authentic English texts are examined to determine possible equivalents as well as their respective collocation potentials. On the basis of these findings, a suggestion is made for the lexicographical representation of afbryde and its equivalents in an L2 basic dictionary with accessory L1-L2 word list.




How to Cite

Pedersen, J. (1998). Kollokationelle og syntaktiske angivelser i en teknisk oversættelses- og produktionsordbog for fremmedsprogsbrugere. LexicoNordica, (5). Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/lexn/article/view/18853



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