Från ordlisteredigerarens principer till användarens förväntningar


  • Virpi Kalliokuusi


Terminologists working in practice with the compilation of special field dictionaries and vocabularies have increasingly faced the problem of how to adjust the principles and methods of terminology work to the needs and expectations of dictionary users. Terminology as a discipline offers a sound and systematic basis for dealing with concepts and terms of a certain special field, but the needs of the users arising from individual context-bound and culture-specific situations should be better studied and analyzed and thus taken into account in the vocabularies.
In this article, I discuss some of the general principles of terminologically compiled vocabularies, the impacts of the principles on the structure of the vocabularies and on their use and, finally, the solutions that a terminologist could think of when trying to modify the usablity of special field dictionaries.




How to Cite

Kalliokuusi, V. (1998). Från ordlisteredigerarens principer till användarens förväntningar. LexicoNordica, (5). Retrieved from



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