Från ordlista till ordbok. Utvecklingen av den finsk-svenska ordboken från 1600-talet till idag


  • Birgitta Romppanen


The first dictionary containing Finnish as a target language appeared in 1637. It was
a general language glossary, of which the source language was Latin.
The interest was now focused on the Finnish language, owing to its status of
source language in Juslenius’s Finskt Orda-Boks Försök/Suomalaisen Sana-Lugun
Coetus that was published in 1745. This made the bi- and multilingual dictionaries
become descriptive reading comprehension dictionaries of Finnish. With this, the
codification of Finnish began, a process, however, that was not carried out until the
period 1951–61, during which the monolingual prescriptive dictionary Nykysuomen
sanakirja was published.
A big step in the change from a Finnish reading comprehension dictionary into a
reading comprehension dictionary for Finnish combined with a production
dictionary for Swedish was taken in 1908 through Knut Cannelin’s. Finskt-svenskt
lexikon/ Suomalais-ruotsalainen sanakirja.
The electronic dictionary that now, in the beginning of the 21st century, is in a
phase of strong progress implies a new structural development for the monolingual
and bilingual Finnish dictionaries.




How to Cite

Romppanen, B. (2000). Från ordlista till ordbok. Utvecklingen av den finsk-svenska ordboken från 1600-talet till idag. LexicoNordica, (7). Retrieved from