Vilket språk var utgångspunkten? Om ursprunget till den svenska vokabulären i en fyrspråkig ordbok utgiven i Riga 1705


  • Lennart Larsson


In the year 1705, a German-Swedish-Polish-Lettish dictionary entitled Wörter-Büchlein,
wie etzliche gebräuchliche Sachen auff Teutsch, Schwedisch, Polnisch und
Lettisch, zu benennen seynd was published in Riga. The dictionary was a revision of
Vocabularium wie etzliche gebräuchliche Sachen auff Teutsch, Lateinisch, Polnisch
und Lettisch, aussprechen seynd, a dictionary also encompassing four languages,
also published in Riga but in 1688. As can be seen from the titles, Swedish in the
newer dictionary replaced the Latin in the older book. This article explores the
question of which language in the older dictionary was used a basis for the
presentation of the Swedish vocabulary. A comparision between the different
languages shows that even though German was predominantly used, this was not
true for all of the articles. In several examples, the author of the section concerning
the Swedish vocabulary obviously used Latin instead as a basis.




How to Cite

Larsson, L. (2000). Vilket språk var utgångspunkten? Om ursprunget till den svenska vokabulären i en fyrspråkig ordbok utgiven i Riga 1705. LexicoNordica, (7). Retrieved from