Användaren, normen och ordböckerna eller det är lätt att säga tulipanaros ...


  • Kristina Nikula


Lexicographers today increasingly seem to tend to take into consideration the needs
of the users in a systematic way; this can for instance been seen in the newest
version of SAOL, where many simplifications have been made in order to make it
easier for the user. However, it may be questioned, whether these simplifications are
sufficient. The younger generation of dictionary users often do not for instance have
sufficient knowledge of grammar to understand the explicit or implicit dictionary
information. The users’ need for clear normative information is not always
compatible with the opinions of the lexicographers concerning standardization of
language. In this paper problems of this kind are discussed as well as the question
whether Swedish is a pluricentric language or not.




How to Cite

Nikula, K. (2002). Användaren, normen och ordböckerna eller det är lätt att säga tulipanaros . LexicoNordica, (9). Retrieved from