’Terminologi’ se ’leksikografi’, ’leksikografi’ se ’ordbog’


  • Patrick Leroyer


Anmeldt værk:

Colette Cortès (red.): Des fondements théoriques de la terminologie.
Cahier du C.I.E.L. 2004. Paris: Université de Paris 7 Denis Diderot,
UFR E.I.L.A. [166 sider, pris € 12,-]

 In light of the polemic debate between terminologists and lexicographers over the

years, the relationship between terminography and specialized lexicography remains
unclear. Bergenholtz et al. 1994 were criticized by Puuronen 1995 for not applying
terminological methods and confusing terms with concepts. Ten years have passed
since then, and this article shows that some major, new contributions reviewed here
indicate that the debate – and the criticism – are now obsolete as there seems to be a
consensus that the complex needs of dictionary users in professional settings and in
corporations should be taken into account. Here lies the best guarantee for the joint
planning of problem solving dictionary solutions. Surprisingly enough, this is more
or less exactly what E. Wüster, the founding father of terminology, also had in mind.





How to Cite

Leroyer, P. (2005). ’Terminologi’ se ’leksikografi’, ’leksikografi’ se ’ordbog’. LexicoNordica, (12). Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/lexn/article/view/18668