Sprogteknologiske ressourcer for islandsk leksikografi


  • Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson


Ten years ago, the Icelandic government launched a special Language
Technology Program with the aim of supporting institutions
and companies in creating basic resources for Icelandic language
technology work. This initiative resulted in the creation and development
of several important resources and tools that have had
profound influence on Icelandic language technology, and are also
valuable for Icelandic lexicography and linguistic research in general.
The present paper describes briefly some of the most important
of these products, such as a morphological database (260,000 lemmas),
a 25 million word balanced PoS tagged corpus, a lemmatiser, a
rule-based tagger, and a shallow parser. Finally, it is pointed out that
all the tools that the Icelandic Language Technology Community
has developed in the past few years have been made Open Source,
and the importance of adopting Open Source Policy for small language
communities is emphasized.




How to Cite

Rögnvaldsson, E. (2010). Sprogteknologiske ressourcer for islandsk leksikografi. LexicoNordica, (17). Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/lexn/article/view/18630