Bruk av et norsk leksikon til tagging og andre språkteknologiske formål
Norsk ordbank (the Norwegian Word Bank) is an electronic lexicon
for the two Norwegian written standards, Bokmål and Nynorsk. It
forms the basis of many, probably most, of the existing language
technology tools for Norwegian. The lexicon is based on the entries
and inflectional information found in the dictionaries Bokmålsordboka
and Nynorskordboka as well as word lists and inflectional
patterns developed by IBM Norway. We present some background
information about the lexicon and show how it has been applied to
a variety of language technology tools and various applications for
end users. Since the lexicon was developed from resources meant for
use by human readers, much work has been devoted to modifying
the lexicon to make it better suited for use in language technology,
and the main focus of our paper is on this work.
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LexicoNordica og forfatterne