ODS – træk af en historisk ordbogs historie


  • Henrik Andersson


The 28-volume historical Ordbog over det danske Sprog (ODS, Dictionary of the
Danish Language), by far the most comprehensive dictionary of the Danish
language, was initiated c. 1900 by Verner Dahlerup and published 1919–56 by Det
Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab (DSL, Society for Danish Language and
Literature). In 1907, Dahlerup presented his principles for the new dictionary in the
periodical Danske Studier (Studies in Danish). From his article it appears that ODS
was conceived on a much smaller scale than it proved to be after Dahlerup handed
over his project to DSL in 1915. The paper explains to what extent DSL did or did
not realize the 1907-principles as to entry structure, definitions, etymology, word
usage, foreign words etc.




How to Cite

Andersson, H. (2006). ODS – træk af en historisk ordbogs historie. LexicoNordica, (13). Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/lexn/article/view/18570



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