Partiklar inn i ordbøkene? Om tradisjonell og nyare kategorisering av preposisjonar
Norsk Ordbok (NO) (The Norwegian dictionary of spoken language
and the Nynorsk written language) and also other dictionaries use
traditional terminology for grammatical categories, while in most
contemporary linguistic literature and e.g. Norsk referansegrammatikk
(‘The Norwegian reference grammar’, NRG), more up-to-date
terms are used. In this article, I look at the distinction between prepositions
and adverbs in traditional and modern terminology, and
discuss whether NO would be better off adopting the NRG system.
In short, my answer is yes, with some provisos. I advocate the use of
the term particle where NO refers to a preposition switching to an
adverb. I also question the use and relevance of the term intransitive
preposition (from NRG) in a dictionary setting. Eventually, I discuss
some problems connected with introducing new normative terms
in a descriptive dictionary. Since NO is a project that has already
existed for many years (first volume printed in 1966) and is completed
in three years, I do not see a change of grammatical terms as
an option for the printed dictionary. However, the discussion is of
great importance in principle – and of practical importance for the
upcoming NO (or any) online dictionary.
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LexicoNordica og forfatterne