Hvad hedder det på dansk? Polske studerendes brug af ordbøger mellem polsk og dansk
The paper is a research study into how Polish students of Danish
use dictionaries when translating from Polish into Danish and
when writing texts in Danish. The methodology of the study relies
on three assumptions: (1) the distinction between subjective and
objective information needs, (2) the impact of educational level on
lexicographic behaviour, (3) the differences in terms of users’ needs
and their satisfaction during translation and free text production.
By combining various data generating and gathering methods, the
study provides an insight into differences between both kinds of
needs. It uncovers the dictionary users’ objective needs and examines
how their subjective needs are satisfied, i.e. which dictionaries
are consulted, for what purposes, what determines their choice, and
how useful they are.
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LexicoNordica og forfatterne