Kollokationers roll i SAOB:s betydelsebeskrivning


  • Bodil Rosqvist


This article presents a study of how a sample of 81 collocations
contributes to the description of meaning in the multi-volume
historical dictionary that describes the Swedish language since the
year 1521, i. e. the Swedish Academy Dictionary (SAOB 1898–). The
sample consists of two-word expressions of five different grammatical
construction types, and I conclude that collocations of different
types contribute to the definitions in different ways. Collocations
are, for example, often given as integrated parts of the definitions in
articles describing adjectives or verbs, whereas they typically appear
as illustrative examples in articles describing adverbs or nouns.




How to Cite

Rosqvist, B. (2012). Kollokationers roll i SAOB:s betydelsebeskrivning. LexicoNordica, (19). Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/lexn/article/view/18419