Fra dype betydningshierarkier til flatere struktur – et innblikk i revisjonen av Norsk Riksmålsordbok


  • Carina Nilstun


The Norwegian Academy’s Dictionary (NAOB) is planned to be published
in 2014, as a central part of the project of supplying Bokmål/
Riksmål with a scholarly national dictionary. NAOB is a userorientated
modernization and expansion of Norsk Riksmålsordbok
(NRO), a diachronic, literary dictionary comprising 4 main volumes
(1937–57) and 2 supplementary volumes (1995). This article
focuses on one of many aspects of the modernization process: editing
the description of meaning. Prior to editing the original NRO
meanings, semantic restructuring is often required, as many NRO
article structures are needlessly deep and complex.




How to Cite

Nilstun, C. (2012). Fra dype betydningshierarkier til flatere struktur – et innblikk i revisjonen av Norsk Riksmålsordbok. LexicoNordica, (19). Retrieved from