Studenternas användning av hjälpmedel vid översättning från svenska (L2) till finska (L1)


  • Jaana Puskala


The aim of this study is to explore how university students with Swedish as their major or minor subject have used different kinds of translator aids (Swedish/Finnish). The present article comprises the results of two studies conducted by the author in 2009 and 2015. When translating a specialised text in the field of economics, 19 students have logged their searches in protocols. The results of the two studies show that the students most often resort to bilingual online dictionaries when translating from L2 to L1. It therefore follows that critical data mining skills ought to be taught more effectively to the students.




How to Cite

Puskala, J. (2019). Studenternas användning av hjälpmedel vid översättning från svenska (L2) till finska (L1). LexicoNordica, (23). Retrieved from