Gjennom orda: LEXIN-ordbøkene og bruken av dei i og utanfor klasserommet


  • Tove Bjørneset


The first Norwegian LEXIN resources were launched in 2002. Since then, the users have been able to contact the project group through the project’s website. From an early stage, this dialogue proved to be of great value, both for the owner, the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, which is responsible for plotting out the main lines of action, and for the project group at Uni Research, which develops and maintains the dictionaries and the tailor-made IT solutions. Personal encounters and user surveys have also contributed to our knowledge about the users and their dictionary practice.




How to Cite

Bjørneset, T. (2019). Gjennom orda: LEXIN-ordbøkene og bruken av dei i og utanfor klasserommet. LexicoNordica, (23). Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/lexn/article/view/111815