Ilse Cantell, Nina Martola, Birgitta Romppanen, Mats-Peter Sundström: Suomi-ruotsi opiskelusanakirja
Anmeldt værk:
Ilse Cantell, Nina Martola, Birgitta Romppanen, Mats-Peter Sundström: Suomi-ruotsi opiskelusanakirja ('Finsk-svensk studieordbok'). Helsingfors: WSOY 1995
Anja Sarantola, Tauno Sarantola: Ruotsi-suomi opiskelusanakirja ('Svensk-finsk studieordbok'). Helsingfors: WSOY 1995
The article evaluates the two dictionaries from the perspective of the potential user. Both dictionaries are intended for Finnish speaking users such as school children and students. The vocabulary is modern and covers general usage. A number of colloquial and even slang words are included. Instead, transparent and infrequent compound and derivative words are not listed. The dictionaries are easy to use. The typography is very clear, and every word is given a new line.
A particular strength of the dictionaries is extensive presentation of both typical contexts and idiomatic phrases. Particularly the Finnish-Swedish dictionary could include even more information about the grammatical behaviour of verbs and pronouns.
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