Finlandssvenska, finsk-svensk tvåspråkslexikografi och korpusar


  • Nina Martola


There is a need for a reasonably large corpus as a tool for the research into the Swedish language as it is used in Finland and as a basis of dictionary compiling. Actually, a corpus of the Swedish used in Finland already exists. It was created by the Department of Scandinavian Languages and Literature of the University of Helsinki and it consists of different types of texts from the early nineties, in other words quite modern language. However, the corpus is far too small, only about two and a half million words, which means that it needs to be enlarged. Such a project will be carried out by the Swedish Department of the Research Institute for the Languages of Finland, if possible in collaboration with the Department of Scandina-vian languages and literature of the University of Helsinki. Unfortunately the re-sources for the project are quite limited, but as it is possible to use partly automatic tagging, an aim of twenty million words is not unrealistic. As for the types of texts, the outlines for the European PAROLE-project will be followed. Other text types will be included in a later phase.
Another corpus project to be carried out is the creation of a parallel corpus with the same texts in Swedish (preferably Standard Swedish) and Finnish. It should consist of Finnish texts with translations into Swedish, Swedish texts with trans-lations into Finnish and, finally, translations from other languages into both Finnish and Swedish. This corpus will be used for finding Swedish correspondences of certain types of Finnish words and constructions that are problematic for the lexi-cographer.





Martola, N. (1996). Finlandssvenska, finsk-svensk tvåspråkslexikografi och korpusar. LexicoNordica, (3). Hentet fra