From Classroom to Virtual Teaching

The Importance of Interactive Tools for Participation and Social Interactions


  • Kaspar Kjemtrup KA AU



As more online schools take on the education of primary students, online teaching complicates participation and social interaction, which are essential for learning. This study explores didactic methods that can enhance participation and interaction in online teaching, as well as the role of digital interaction tools. Data were collected netnographically from two fully online schools and included six teacher interviews, one schoolmaster interview, and 19 teaching observations, covering a wide range of subjects from grades 2-9. The results reveal several significant correlations between social interactions and the use of the camera and digital interaction tools in communities of practice. Online teaching that focused on collaborative activities involving physical objects outside the screen showed a greater tendency for social interactions, while lower levels of interaction were observed in lessons where the camera was off. These findings should be incorporated and carefully considered in online teaching to support student and teacher engagement.


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How to Cite

Kjemtrup, K. (2024). From Classroom to Virtual Teaching: The Importance of Interactive Tools for Participation and Social Interactions. Learning Tech, 10(15), 13–45.