Prototyping in Science

“Det er ikke en bro, hvis det ikke ligner en bro”


  • Stine Ejsing-Duun Aalborg Universitet
  • Lasse Stege Bredgaard Hansen
  • Peter Wied Stenkilde
  • Marie Damlund
  • Anne Gottlieb



This article examines how prototyping can be used in science education to promote students' inquiry and modeling skills through a design process where inquiry through digital and analogue technologies plays a role. The article is based on three cases from Danish elementary schools, where students work to create prototypes that function both as ways to investigate filters and manifest manifestations of their design ideas. The case study shows that prototyping not only promotes learning through a hands-on approach, but also strengthens the students' ability to critically choose and use materials in accordance with supporting their research objectives/ as well as express their design idea and aesthetic ambitions. The results further highlight the importance of the teacher's role in supporting and flexible use of both analogue and digital technologies, in order to create meaningful interaction between technology choice, aesthetics and design-based teaching in science education.


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How to Cite

Ejsing-Duun, S., Hansen, L. S. B., Stenkilde, P. W., Damlund, M., & Gottlieb, A. (2024). Prototyping in Science: “Det er ikke en bro, hvis det ikke ligner en bro”. Learning Tech, 10(15), 75-.