





Availability of eye-tracking technology has increased, also for measuring pupils' reading at school. In a school day, eye-tracking data must be able to be translated into measurements that are both reliable and have practical relevance, e.g. for evaluating teaching. This study presents the eye movement measure focus-words designed to mark breakdowns in students' reading fluency and hereby translate eye-tracking data into reading insights. The study is designed to validate the reliability of the measure as an indicator of reading and spelling proficiency and the robustness of the measurement method in practice.

84 pupils from five fourth-grade classes participated, of which data from 68 pupils was included. Together with the students' existing test scores in spelling and reading comprehension, we collected recordings of their eye movements while they read aloud independently.

We find strong correlations between eye movements and reading/spelling test results, which indicates that the measurement method is robust. Further, focus-words correlate with classic eye movement measures, which is a sign of co-validity. Finally, focus-words explain unique variation in students' reading comprehension and spelling proficiency beyond what the most strongly correlated classical measure, fixation time, explains. The results support that focus-word-percentage is a robust metric closely related to literacy.


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How to Cite

Klerke, S., & Dansk, D. (2024). dansk: dansk. Learning Tech, 9(14). https://doi.org/10.7146/lt.v9i14.137119