I med- og modspil

– lærerperspektiver på samspillet mellem digitale teknologier og fagligt indhold i projektorienteret undervisning





This article empirically examines how teachers understand and deal with the content complexity found in problem-oriented teaching, and the role of functional digital learning tech in this context. The analyses indicate that even in highly framed problem-oriented teaching, the content focus develops, shifts and changes over the phases. Authentic problems are difficult to contain by the school's subjects and disciplines, and other types of knowledge than traditional scholastic ones become relevant. It is a strength of the problem-oriented design - but it also complicates the teacher's task of qualifying students' work and supporting a systematic knowledge development. At the same time, the teachers' use of technology is important for the ways in which the content of the teaching changes, just as the unpredictability of the content can place changing and unexpected demands on the functions and design of the learning tech.

Author Biography

Stinus Storm Mikkelsen, UC Lillebælt

Lektor, Center for Anvendt Skoleforskning, Forskning og udvikling, UC Lillebælt


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How to Cite

Rasmussen, H. F., & Mikkelsen, S. S. (2023). I med- og modspil: – lærerperspektiver på samspillet mellem digitale teknologier og fagligt indhold i projektorienteret undervisning. Learning Tech, 8(13), 12–37. https://doi.org/10.7146/lt.v8i13.132972