"Har I Robotter til at male for jer?"

Et fagdidaktisk perspektiv på teknologiforståelses fagfornyende potentiale i billedkunst


  • Mie Buhl Aalborg Universitet
  • Kirsten Skov




The article discusses an integration between technology comprehension and visual arts education as a potential transformation of visual arts education. The discussion was based on current image and visual cultural pedagogical research, while the analytical perspective of the discussion drew on socio-material theory, which pushes dichotomies between man as the sole actor and technology as the object of actions. Six prototypes developed in the national Tekforsøg [Tech experiment] (2019-2021) formed the empirical basis. The prototype analysis focused on programming which was singled out as a crucial learning goal in the Tech experiment. The analysis of the prototypes pointed to new aesthetic qualities of expression that can be potentially innovative. The question, however, is to what extent can the prototypes contribute more than an instrumental innovation in the form of methods and techniques? The article argues that a potential subject integration can only take place to the extent that programming is linked to computational thinking and digital empowerment. The two areas can contribute to a development rooted in the subject's artistic cognition and sociocultural contextualization. Thereby, the intentions behind both disciplines to contribute to the school's democratic purpose can be met.

Author Biography

Mie Buhl, Aalborg Universitet

Professor, leder af Komunikation, It og LæringsDesign (KILD) og forskningslab ILD, Institut for Kommunikation




How to Cite

Buhl, M., & Skov, K. . (2021). "Har I Robotter til at male for jer?": Et fagdidaktisk perspektiv på teknologiforståelses fagfornyende potentiale i billedkunst. Learning Tech, 6(10), 382–404. https://doi.org/10.7146/lt.v6i10.125610