
– om hvordan kritiske perspektiver på teknologiens rolle i samfundet kan bidrage til teknologiforståelse i folkeskolen


  • Anders Stig Christensen
  • Morten Velsing Nielsen Forfatter




The aim of the article is to strengthen a democratic and critical approach to Digital Literacy (Digital Myndiggørelse), which is an area of competence in the experimental subject Technology Comprehension in Danish primary schools grade 1-9, and central to the subject’s objective to educate pupils to become “active, critical and democratic citizens”. In the article we show, through an analysis of the current descriptions of the subject, how this competence area is insufficiently developed if pupils are to learn to critically reflect upon the role of technology in society. Therefore we present perspectives from the social sciences that emphasise empowerment as well as a democratic and critical approach to technology comprehension. We end the article with examples of existing primary school courses that can inspire the engagement with these perspectives. The conclusion emphasizes the need for pupils of Technology Comprehension to understand the complex relationships between technology and society.




How to Cite

Christensen, A. S., & Nielsen, M. V. (2021). Dansk: – om hvordan kritiske perspektiver på teknologiens rolle i samfundet kan bidrage til teknologiforståelse i folkeskolen. Learning Tech, 6(10), 76–99. https://doi.org/10.7146/lt.v6i10.125348