Læremidlet som forandringsagent i klasserummet

– med udgangspunkt i det digitale læremiddel Teksperimentet


  • Cecilie Copeland Beksgaard Projektleder, undervisningsudvikling indenfor teknologiforståelse
  • Lars Seidelin
  • Naja Lind
  • Casper Petersen
  • Kåre Moberg




In Danish primary schools the prevalence of teaching aids seeking/intending to advance students’ technological and problem-solving competencies is increasing. With these teaching aids, the framework is changing toward a more technological didactic understanding, where teachers takes on the role as facilitators. The focal point in this article is the teaching aid Teksperimentet. From a teacher’s perspective the requirements to navigate as facilitator, and how the teaching framework and students’ learning outcome is affected is described. The article reviews empirical examples of the use of Teksperimentet offering didactic perspectives on how optimal learning conditions for teaching follow with Teksperimentet as a resource. Both the qualitative and quantitative analysis show that Teksperimentet has great potential to assist teachers. In the transition from technology understanding being a political goal to becoming a pedagogical practice, a clarification of the subject didactics of technology understanding is necessary. Teksperimentet serves as an example of this.




How to Cite

Beksgaard, C. C., Seidelin, L., Lind, N., Petersen, C., & Moberg, K. (2021). Læremidlet som forandringsagent i klasserummet: – med udgangspunkt i det digitale læremiddel Teksperimentet. Learning Tech, 6(10), 323–350. https://doi.org/10.7146/lt.v6i10.125227