This is an outdated version published on 2021-10-27. Read the most recent version.

Viden i historiefaget



  • Jens Aage Poulsen HistorieLab - Nationalt Videncenter for Historie- og Kulturarvsformidling



The core of historical knowledge is knowledge of past events and contexts. The past itself does not have an independent existence. So how can you construct knowledge of past’ events and what character does it have. This article is about historical knowledge in the school subject history in elementary school. E.g., how teachers, students and teaching materials understand and use historical knowledge in practice.

Historical knowledge is a topic that the history group investigated in connection with the PaL- project (Practical application of teaching materials). The data in the article is especially from four case studies are collected using qualitative methods. As the article shows, it is a challenge in history teaching that historical knowledge appears as definitive and closed narratives about a past, and not that historical knowledge is the result of analyzes and interpretations.




How to Cite

Poulsen, J. A. (2021). Viden i historiefaget: dansk. Learning Tech, 6(9), 234–257.