Avislæsning i den digitale tidsalders nyhedslandskab


  • Kim Schrøder




Taking its point of departure in the upheavals in the Danish newspaper market spawned by the emergence, in two waves 2001 and 2006, of national free dailies, this research project argues four points: 1. The free newspapers accelerate an emerging division between ‘overview newspapers’ and ‘depth newspapers’. 2. This process is both part of, and a driving force in, a general division between overview and depth news media, across print, broadcasting and net media. 3. An understanding of these complex developments in news provision depends on the empirical exploration of the consumption of news media and genres among consumer-citizens in everyday life. 4. In order to reach specific insights about newspapers in the age of media convergence, such exploration must aim to develop a general map of news consumption across media. At the end, the paper outlines a research design, anchored in theories of civic agency and public connection, that will use the concept of ‘perceived worthwhileness’ to explore the patterns of media use among Danish citizenconsumers with an innovative methodology. The research project has the dual aim of understanding our contemporary media culture and feeding insights into the editorial processes of the news media.



Schrøder, K. (2007). Avislæsning i den digitale tidsalders nyhedslandskab. Journalistica, 2(5). https://doi.org/10.7146/journalistica.v2i5.1809