Endeligt program annonceret til Journalisticas ECREA pre-conference


ECREA Pre-conference: Trends and challenges in Nordic journalism (research)

Date: October 19th, 2022, 12pm-4pm
Venue: Danish School of Media and Journalism, Helsingforsgade 6a, 8200 Aarhus; room 4.04

12:00-12:30: Welcome sandwiches and round of introduction

12:30-13:15: Alternative journalism (Moderator: Eva Mayerhöffer, RUC)

Viljami Vaarala (U. Helsinki): The roles of local interloper media. The case of Finnish interloper media and practitioners. (Discussant: Miriam)

Miriam Brems (Aarhus U.): Cutting across the spectrum: Mapping Danish left- and right-wing alternative news media by their non-adherence to professional journalistic norms (Discussant: Viljami)

13:20- 14:05: Climate journalism (Moderator: Karoline Ihlebæk, OsloMet)

Line Weldingh (Roskilde U./DMJX): Begivenhedsstyret og emnestyret klimajournalistik i danske dagblade (Discussant: Katherine)

Katherine Duarte (U. Bergen): «Opportunities and new research shows...» – Framing of the IPCC reports in Norwegian media (Discussant: Signe)

14:10-14:55: Algorithmic journalism (Moderator: SteffenMoestrup, DMJX)

Lynge Asbjørn Møller (Aarhus U./DMJX): Coding in the public interest: How Scandinavian newspapers align news recommender systems with journalistic values (Discussant: Torbjörn)

Torbjörn Rolandsson (Stockholm U). Translating algorithms into journalistic practice: The algorithmic soundscapes of Swedish Radio Journalism (Discussant: Lynge)

15:00 – 15:45: Media systems and the Nordic case (Moderator: Aske Kammer, RUC)

Signe Ravn-Højgaard (U. Greenland & Roskilde U.): Er medier i Grønland nordiske? (Discussant: Line)

Discussion: Communicating “the Nordic case” to an international research audience.

15:45– 16:00: Closing round

The pre-conference is organized by Journalistica – the Nordic Journal of Journalism Research.

All presentations will be given in English. The event can accommodate a limited number of additional participants – please contact Eva Mayerhöffer evamay@ruc.dk by October 14th to sign up.