Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023): STS Encounters

This special issue of STS Encounters contains one editorial and 12 articles:
(In alphabetical order) Peter Danholt, Julia Kirch Kirkegaard, Kasper Ostrowski, Irina Papazu: Introduction DASTS 2022 special issue
Anders Blok: ‘The Sustainable State’ of STS - Keynote at DASTS 2022
Steffen Dalsgaard, Rasmus Tyge Haarløv: Mobilising Uncertainties in Air Pollution Science in Copenhagen
Adam Veng, Irina Papazu, Mads Ejsing: Is Denmark a green entrepreneurial state? Mapping Danish climate politics between civic mobilization and business cooptation
Daniel Nordstrand Frantzen, Sophie Nyborg, Julia Kirch Kirkegaard: Taking a bird’s-eye view: infrastructuring bird-turbine relations during wind power controversies
Marie Larsen Ryberg: The Benefit of the Doubt: Rethinking critique in/of scientific knowledge
Søren Sjøgren: War, PowerPoint, and hypnotised chickens - Standards and templates at work in a military staff
Hannah Star Rogers, Kristin D. Hussey, Louise Whiteley, Adam Bencard, Christopher Gad, Eduardo Abrantes: Curating Complexities in Art, Science, and Medicine: Art, Science, and Technology Studies (ASTS) in Public Practice
Nina Frahm, Kasper Hedegård Schiølin: Toward an ‘Ever Closer Union’ - The Making of AI-Ethics in the EU
Ruth Neubauer, Ksenija Kuzmina, Elke Bachlmair: Making the 3000m2 Prototype
Liam Healy: Everything is a prototype, but not at all in the same way - Towards an ecology of prototyping
Torben Elgaard Jensen, Ann-Sofie Thorsen: The Mixed Blessings of an Iterative Design Strategy - A case study of the handling of user representations
Peter Danholt: Thinking Participatory Design work-shops in the presence of cosmopolitics