Danske vindmøller til havs
Artiklen analyserer udviklingen af de danske havvindmøller i perioden 1991 til 2013. Analysen tager afsæt i forskning inden for vindmøllehistorie med reference til Thomas Hughes teknologiske systemer og M. Callons aktør-netværksteori. Som hovedaktørerne i netværket gennemgås forskellige regeringers energipolitik, elforsyningen, statslige myndigheder, forskere i vindmølleteknologi, lokale og landsdækkende organisationer samt leverandører af teknologi og serviceydelser. Artiklen viser, at det i Danmark er lykkedes at opbygge et komplekst og velfungerende teknologisk netværk på havvindmølleområdet. En veludbygget vindmølleindustri, samt en grøn energipolitik med folkelig støtte har gået hånd i hånd med elforsyningens kommercielle interesser.
Danish offshore wind turbines
The article analyses the development of Danish offshore wind turbines from 1991 to 2013. The analysis builds on top of the research within the history of wind turbines with refers to the Technological system theory by Thomas Hughes and M. Callons actor-network theory. The prime actors of the network of offshore wind turbines are the energy politics of different Danish governments, electricity companies, different authorities as Ministries and boards, researchers of wind turbine technology, local and national organizations and the suppliers of wind turbines and related services. The article shows that within the little country of Denmark it was possible to build a complex technological network among all these partners. The technological network worked because there was a political and popular goodwill, and its success have depend on a common agenda between commercial interests and a green ideology.
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