Kan et samfund leve af tro?

Om forholdet mellem Romerbrevet 1,17 og luthersk tillidskultur


  • Sasja Emilie Mathiasen Stopa Aarhus Universitet




Faith as trust, Romans 1:17, Martin Luther’s reformatory discovery, trust culture, N.F.S. Grundtvig, K.E. Løgstrup


“The righteous will live by faith.” With this quote from Hab. 2:4, Paul concludes his summary of the gospel in Romans 1:17. To Paul, living by faith means trusting God’s promise of salvation and faithfully following his commandments, which express the norms of the community. In this article, I analyse Paul’s vision of a universal, trust-based community and its influence on Luther’s theology which underlines trust as the hallmark of a sound community – with God and fellow human beings. Meditating on Romans 1:17, Luther realised that rather than being a vindictive judge, God is a loving giver who initiates a mutually obliging trust relation with humans through his self-giving in Christ. Nuancing 20th century Lutheran theology’s one-eyed focus on individual righteousness, I claim that this reformatory discovery entails a new understanding of community as built around trust in God and God-given authority rather than punishment and reward. Moreover, I argue for the potential impact of this Pauline-Lutheran trust-centered notion of community on the historic development of a Danish trust culture, pointing to Grundtvig and Løgstrup as two influential Lutheran theologians who promote trust as a defining characteristic of Danish society.


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How to Cite

Stopa, S. E. M. (2025). Kan et samfund leve af tro? : Om forholdet mellem Romerbrevet 1,17 og luthersk tillidskultur. Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift, 88(1), 47–75. https://doi.org/10.7146/dtt.v88i1.156161


