Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt <p><span class="First">D</span>anmarks førende fagteologiske tidsskrift. Udgives af Forlaget eksistensen i samarbejde med Det Teologiske Fakultet i København og Afdeling for Teologi på Aarhus Universitet.</p> <p>Tidsskriftet modtog til og med årgang 2021 støtte fra Det Frie Forskningsråd.</p> <p>Årgang 2023 støttes af FOF og Tænketanken Prospekt.</p> <p> </p> Eksistensen Akademisk da-DK Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 0105-3191 Indhold og kolofon DTT 2022-2 https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/143085 Johanne Stubbe Teglbjærg Kristensen Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 87 1 10.7146/dtt.v87i1.143085 Forord https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/143086 Johanne Stubbe Teglbjærg Kristensen Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 87 1 1 2 10.7146/dtt.v87i1.143086 Det paradoksale sprog i Erasmus af Rotterdams Dårskabens lovprisning https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/143087 <p>Erasmus of Rotterdam’s <em>The Praise of Folly</em> is a highly original paradoxical <em>encomium</em> in that the praise is undertaken by Folly herself. In his insightful work, <em>Günter Bader</em> points out the structural importance and theological consequences of this second-degree paradox in Folly’s self-praise, from which this article has drawn inspiration in order to understand among other things the complexity of the role of language and words in relation to the cognition of things in <em>The Praise of Folly</em>. This complexity undoubtedly pertains to other works in the <em>opus </em>of Erasmus, as is shown in the article, which forces us to reconsider our reception and interpretation of Erasmian Christology, Pneumatology and anthropology.</p> Theis Schønning Johansen Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 87 1 3 23 10.7146/dtt.v87i1.143087 Søndag efter søndag https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/143088 <p>This article explores the Aarhus theologian Johannes Sløk’s sermon guides, published in <em>Præsteforeningens Blad</em> in 1980 and 1982 respectively, in order to cast light on the question of continuity in Sløk’s thought and the ‘narrative turn’ in his authorship. The article consists of two parts: i) a diachronic reading and comparison of Sløk’s sermon guides vis-a-vis Sløk’s sermons from the 1940’s, to show how Sløk’s theology develops in this time span, and ii) a synchronic reading of the sermon guides, which points to three decisive theological topics in the sermon guides that are also constitutive for Sløk’s thought in general. Thus, the article consolidates the position in Sløk research that although a development and a ‘narrative turn’ does indeed take place in Sløk’s theology, this is not to be considered a break, but rather, a refinement.</p> Mikael Brorson Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 87 1 24 48 10.7146/dtt.v87i1.143088 Mulighedens uendelighed – uendelighedens mulighed https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/143089 <p>The article investigates the possibilities and limitations of a religious Christian hope from a postmodern perspective. It argues that Søren Kierkegaard’s Christian understanding of hope as ambiguous, despiteful, and ethical is in alignment with Gianni Vattimo’s postmodern theory of kenosis as the essence of secularity. The argument proceeds in three steps. The first section outlines the challenge and the potential of the postmodern. The second section analyzes Kierkegaard’s understanding of hope. The third section sketches how Vattimo’s postmodern theory contrasts the pragmatic, scientific, and nihilistic hopes of today and aligns with Kierkegaard’s understanding of hope.</p> Anna Ravn Mortensen Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 87 1 49 68 10.7146/dtt.v87i1.143089 Johannes Værge: Kristus-begivenheden. En tolkning https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/143090 Martin Friis Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 87 1 69 70 10.7146/dtt.v87i1.143090 Hartmut Rosa: Demokrati har brug for religion https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/143091 Thomas Reinholdt Rasmussen Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 87 1 71 73 10.7146/dtt.v87i1.143091 Niels Willert: Kommentar til Lukasevangeliet https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/143092 Erich Benjamin Pracht Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 87 1 74 75 10.7146/dtt.v87i1.143092