Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt <p><span class="First">D</span>anmarks førende fagteologiske tidsskrift. Udgives af Forlaget eksistensen i samarbejde med Det Teologiske Fakultet i København og Afdeling for Teologi på Aarhus Universitet.</p> <p>Tidsskriftet modtog til og med årgang 2021 støtte fra Det Frie Forskningsråd.</p> <p>Årgang 2023 støttes af FOF og Tænketanken Prospekt.</p> <p> </p> Eksistensen Akademisk da-DK Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 0105-3191 Forord https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/145335 Johanne Stubbe Teglbjærg Kristensen Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-05-18 2024-05-18 87 2 76 77 10.7146/dtt.v87i2.145335 Fra studienummer til hyrde for en menighed https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/145337 <p>According to Danish legislation theological candidates need to be examined by a bishop prior to ordination. The bishop’s examination in the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Denmark is part of the episcopal oversight. The article analyses the bishops’ theological reflections and practical experiences with episcopal examinations based on interviews. According to our Aristotelian analysis of interviews the bishops operate with a distinction between different forms of knowledge that reflects the Aristotelian <em>epistêmê</em>, <em>technê </em>and <em>phronêsis</em>. While candidates may not pass, instances are rare; typically, guidance or resubmission is offered if the bishop hesitates to give <em>collats</em>. In addition to our Aristotelian analysis, we consider a management theoretical perspective on the interviews, and this perspective shows that the bishops align closely with Lotte S. Lüscher’s definition of a postmodern paradigm of management. Further, we argue that Jürgen Habermas’ focus on a potential shift in a conversation might elucidate dynamics in the conversation between bishop and candidate. The power relationship is camouflaged in the form of conversation, and Habermas’ theory helps us to understand when the power relationship manifests itself.</p> Birgitte Graakjær Hjort Jonas Midtgaard Hedelund Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 87 2 78 100 10.7146/dtt.v87i2.145337 Prostitution og oprejsning https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/145338 <p>In this article, I conduct a diachronic cultural-historical analysis of the phenomenon of prostitution in pagan and Christian antiquity. My prime focus is how the spread and consolidation of Christianity in the Greco-Roman world effected the social attitudes towards prostitutes and their prospects in terms of social and spiritual rehabilitation. I begin with an introduction to the issue of prostitution in pagan roman antiquity, highlighting some of the social, legal, and economic aspects pertaining to it. I then examine the perspectives on social and spiritual rehabilitation in <em>The Shepherd of Hermas </em>and the stories of the repenting prostitutes, Mary of Egypt, and Pelagia of Antioch. Finally, I discuss and sum up the differences between the pagan and Christians attitudes towards prostitutes and their rehabilitation</p> Camilla Brokholm Pedersen Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 87 2 101 119 10.7146/dtt.v87i2.145338 Det er Herren, der styrer en mands gang https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/145339 <p>This article discusses the question of agency in the Old Testament (OT) and challenges the view held by some scholars that the OT as a whole depicts human beings as having free will in the sense of being able to choose and having control over the choices they make. Many passages do seem to presuppose human choice and control, but the article presents numerous other passages that highlight God’s control of everything – including, in some cases, what human beings want and choose. Furthermore, several books of the OT describe the human ability to follow God’s commandments as deeply flawed and envisage a future divine intervention that will fundamentally change the way humans behave. Human free will must be understood in the light of this underlying notion of divine control that permeates the OT. However, this is not a fatalistic type of determinism. The tension between the notions of divine and human agency is real and both notions ought to inform our understanding of the theology of the texts.</p> Kasper Siegismund Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 87 2 120 140 10.7146/dtt.v87i2.145339 Lukas’ evangelium, fortolket af Niels Willert https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/145340 <p>The article reviews Niels Willert’s commentary on the Gospel of Luke. On the one hand, the book presents a solid traditional analysis of the gospel. The interpretation lives up to international research. It is welcome in a Danish context and will be of benefit for many readers of the New Testament. On the other hand, it has a provocative profile and challenges accepted views. It promotes controversial ideas: It sees Luke-Acts as one single work in two volumes. It dates the Lukan writings extremely late, i.e. 120-140. It adheres to the Farrer-hypothesis concerning the synoptic problem. It takes the Gospel of John to be among Luke’s sources. These ideas are discussed critically in the review, and arguments are raised against the late dating and the relation to the Fourth Gospel. However, the conclusion is that these hypotheses do not affect the exegesis of the individual pericopes. Therefore, the commentary is warmly recommended for all serious readers of the Gospel of Luke.</p> Jesper Tang Nielsen Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 87 2 141 153 10.7146/dtt.v87i2.145340 Else Marie Wiberg Pedersen (red.): Guds ord i kvindemund. Om køn og kirke https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/145356 Kirstine Helboe Johansen Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-05-17 2024-05-17 87 2 154 155 10.7146/dtt.v87i2.145356 Holger Villadsen: Kristus- Baggers Alterbog 1688. Forhistorie, indledning og tekstudgave https://tidsskrift.dk/dtt/article/view/145357 Mattias Sommer Bostrup Copyright (c) 2024 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift 2024-05-17 2024-05-17 87 2 156 158 10.7146/dtt.v87i2.145357