En norsk matriark analyserer patriarkerne

Kari E. Børresens opgør med katolsk teologis lære om gudbilledlighed


  • Else Marie Wiberg Pedersen Aarhus Universitet




Kari E. Børresen, Mary Daly, Elisabeth A. Johnson, feminist theology, imago Dei, androcentrism, patristics, Catholic theology, inclusivity


The Norwegian matriarch, Kari E. Børresen, died in April 2016, after a fine academic career as one of the outstanding feminist theologians of her generation. This article seeks to portray her by lifting up one of the key issues of her research within gender studies: the imago Dei and the various ways this was understood in Christian antiquity and the Middle Ages. Before embarking on that, the article introduces Børresen and her work as a feminist theologian in general.


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How to Cite

Pedersen, E. M. W. (2021). En norsk matriark analyserer patriarkerne: Kari E. Børresens opgør med katolsk teologis lære om gudbilledlighed. Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift, 84(2), 99–123. https://doi.org/10.7146/dtt.v84i2.129652


