Paul Tillich: Samarbejdet mellem menneskets ontologiske ophav og eksistentielle vilkår


  • Margrethe Kamille Birkler Aarhus Universitet



Paul Tillich, Ontology, Existentialism, Essentialism, Anxiety, The task of theology, Depth psychology, Experimental Existential Psychology


Mainly working with Paul Tillich’s lesser known works and one unpublished text, this article seeks to examine how his ontological approach to the doctrine of God and humanity inevitably must interact with an existential approach to the human predicament, which is characterized by estrangement and separation from the essential being of human beings. On this view, theology must include an ambiguity consisting in the use of an essentialist perspective and an existentialist perspective in combination with a need for both a vertical and a horizontal way of thinking.



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Finstuen, Andrew S., Original Sin and Everyday Protestants : The Theology of Reinhold Niebuhr, Billy Graham, and Paul Tillich in an Age of Anxiety (North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press 2009).

Hart, Curtis W., ”Paul Tillich and Psychoanalysis”, Journal of Religion and Health 50/ 3 (2011), 646-655.

Lentz, Bjarne, Paul Tillich (København: Gyldendal 1994).

Manning, Russel Re, “The Religious Meaning of Culture: Paul Tillich and Beyond” International Journal of Systematic Theology 15/4 (2013), 437-452.

Paahuus, Hanne, Det evige i nuet (Frederiksberg: Forlaget ANIS 2002).

Sullivan, Daniel & Landau, Mark J., “Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of Existential Threat: Insights from Paul Tillich”, Social Cognition, 30/6 (2012), 734–757.

Tillich, Paul & Gomes, Peter J., The Courage to Be (New Haven: Yale University Press 2000).

Tillich, Paul, "The Significance Of The History Of Religions For The Systematic Theologian", The Future of Religions, red. Jerald C. Brauer (New York: Harper & Row 1966), 80-94.

Tillich, Paul, “Existential Analyses and Religious Symbols”, Contemporary Problems in Religion, red. Harold Al. Basilius (Detroit: Wayne University Press 1956), 37-55.

Tillich, Paul, “Philosophy and Theology”, Theology 44 (261) (1942), 133–143.

Tillich, Paul, “Vertical and Horizontal Thinking”, The American Scholar 15(1) (1945), 102-105.

Tillich, Paul, Biblical Religion and the Search for Ultimate Reality (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press 1955).

Tillich, Paul, Christianity and the Encounter of the World Religions (New York: Columbia University Press 1964).

Tillich, Paul, How my Mind has changed in the past Decade (upubliceret skrift 1960).

Tillich, Paul, Systematic Theology (London: James Nisbet & Co Ltd, 1968).

Tillich, Paul, The Human Condition, (upubliceret skrift 1963).

Tillich, Paul, Theology of Culture (New York: Oxford University Press 1959).




How to Cite

Birkler, M. K. (2021). Paul Tillich: Samarbejdet mellem menneskets ontologiske ophav og eksistentielle vilkår. Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift, 83(3-4), 102–119.


