Daniel mellem to verdener: Diasporamotiver i Daniels Bog 1-6





The book of Daniel, Court legends, diaspora, satire, Jewish religion, acculturation, resistance


The book of Daniel is set in the diaspora. As a Jew in Babylon, Daniel exists between two worlds: the culture of the host land and the values of his ancestral land. This article focuses on the tension between these two in the court legends (chs. 1-6). I argue that the relation between the two worlds is a dynamic one that is construed differently in the single stories. In my reading of the six stories, I demonstrate that the consistent use of irony, satire, and utopia points to a fundamental ambiguity of diasporic existence.


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How to Cite

Poulsen, F. (2021). Daniel mellem to verdener: Diasporamotiver i Daniels Bog 1-6. Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift, 83(1-2), 22–40. https://doi.org/10.7146/dtt.v83i1-2.124181


