Uforanderligt passioneret


  • Michael Agerbo Mørch




Immutability; God; Trinity; Relations; Modes of Passion


The notion of God as immutable has received severe critique
during the last centuries. Critics claim that this doctrine is an import
from Greek metaphysics which is alien to the portrait of the biblical
God as passionate and relational. In this article, I describe how it remains
possible to talk about God as immutable, even after this critique,
if we carefully define what is meant by the terminology. I suggest that
God is ontologically immutable, but relationally mutable according to
his genuine relationship with his creatures. What is always realized in
the immanent trinity may take different shapes in the economy as the
relationships develop. God has, therefore, different “modes of passion”
suitable for every occasion. I conceptualize this understanding in the
term “immutably passionate”.


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How to Cite

Mørch, M. A. (2018). Uforanderligt passioneret. Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift, 81(2), 83–100. https://doi.org/10.7146/dtt.v81i2.109713


