Kierkegaard, Luther, troen, tilegnelsen og samvittigheden
Faith, reason, paradox, immediacy, passion, reflection, appropriation, consciousness, Kierkegaard, Luther, Nietzsche, Hannah AhrendtResumé
This article first deals with the relation between reason and faith, arguing that Søren Kierkegaard viewed Martin Luther as a rather “undialectical” thinker in his understanding of faith, since Luther, according to Kierkegaard, failed to acknowledge that reason and a possible outrage is the first step of faith, to be followed by a passionate devotion that Kierkegaard calls a “second immediacy”, which is another word for faith. Secondly, the article addresses Kierkegaard’s more positive view of Luther with regard to the appropriation of Christianity by
the individual. Thirdly, Kierkegaard’s, Luther’s, Nietzsche’s and Hannah Arendt’s views on the consciousness are discussed.