Narratives and Memories for Resilience: Exploring the Missing Link between Engagement and Water Governance in Brazil and the United Kingdom

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Danilo Rothberg
Joanne Garde-Hansen


De uma perspectiva interdisciplinar, transcultural e comunicacional, a participação na governança da água deve incluir atividades não políticas e engajamento. No Brasil, é obrigatório que os órgãos de decisão incluam a participação ativa da sociedade. Este é um princípio democrático que fala de um conceito de 'hidro-cidadania' que está sendo atualmente explorado no Reino Unido, em que a governança centralizada da água está dando lugar ao planejamento de adaptação liderado por comunidades. As oportunidades de aprendizado social e cultural foram exploradas em nossa pesquisa colaborativa no Reino Unido e no Brasil. Oferecemos propostas relevantes sobre o valor da história, narrativa e memórias como componentes emergentes da resiliência para além de contêineres políticos coletivos, comunitários ou nacionais. Argumentamos que um elo perdido na literatura é aquele entre narrativas, memória social e resiliência ambiental como uma água cultural compartilhada de maneira pessoal. Essas idéias têm o potencial de abordar as lacunas de participação e governança através do recurso a um entendimento transcultural da comunicação em rede social sobre gerenciamento de água.

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Como Citar
Rothberg, D., & Garde-Hansen, J. (2019). Narratives and Memories for Resilience: Exploring the Missing Link between Engagement and Water Governance in Brazil and the United Kingdom. Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies, 8(1-2), 263–284.
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Biografia do Autor

Danilo Rothberg, São Paulo State University (Unesp)

Professor of Sociology of Communication and Media Studies at the Sao Paulo State University, Unesp, Brazil. School of Architecture, Arts and Communication, Department of Human Sciences. Head of the Postgraduate Programme in Communication.

PhD in Sociology by the Sao Paulo State University, Unesp. Brazil.  Master of Communication by the Sao Paulo State University, Unesp, Brazil. Bachelor in Communication and Journalism by the Sao Paulo State University, Unesp, Brazil.

Visiting Research Fellow, University of Warwick, Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies. Visiting Research Fellow, King’s College London, School of Arts and Humanities, Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries. Visiting Lecturer, The Open University, Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology, Department of Communications & Systems, UK. Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Open University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, UK.

Joanne Garde-Hansen, University of Warwick

Dr Joanne Garde-Hansen is Reader in Culture, Media and Communication, and directs the Centre for Cultural & Media Policy Studies and teaches on the MA Global Media and Communication. Her research and teaching focus upon media, memory, archives and heritage. This is manifest in two strands of research. The first, relates to her collaboration with television researchers on television history, heritage and memory and the co-founding of the Centre for Television History, Heritage and Memory. The second, is in her collaboration with geographers, water scientists and the Centre for Floods, Communities and Resilience on the relationship between culture and water, rivers, flooding and drought. She has published on media and memory, television, archives, and water memories and heritage. She is a Fellow of the HE Academy, was nominated for a National Teaching Fellowship in 2005, and has won awards for outstanding module design and public engagement.


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