Brasiliana Book Reviews


Those wishing to submit a book review to Brasiliana should first contact the relevant editor.

Book Reviews in English, Portuguese or Spanish should be submitted online here. When submitting book reviews to Brasiliana – Journal for Brazilian Studies, please adhere to the guidelines below. Failure to comply with the guidelines may result in the rejection of a book review.

Please note that the editor’s interest in a given book, or in fact even a request to review, does not guarantee publication of your review in the journal. Brasiliana is a peer-reviewed academic journal, and the editorial board makes final decisions on publication. Simply submitting a book review to the journal does not guarantee its publication.

The book must be in keeping with Brasiliana themes and in most cases we will require a copy of the book.



Brasiliana – Journal for Brazilian Studies aims to publish critical analyses of books published in the last two years in order to promote these books and their contribution to the multidisciplinary field of Brazilian Studies. Each review should begin with an overall analysis of the book, including a brief summary of its contents, followed by a critical appreciation of the main claim(s) put forward in the book under review.

Review of edited volumes containing chapters by multiple authors should situate the volume in relation to the current state of the art in the respective field, offering an analysis of how the volume under review advances the field. This may entail a more thorough discussion of some chapters than others, but an overall view of the volume must be included as well.



Book reviews should be between 1,200–1,500 words. You should submit your review as a word doc, double-spaced, in 12 pt. font. For more details on our formatting requirements, please see the 'Document Style' section in Author Guidelines. It should begin with the following information placed at the top of the page:

Author or editor name/s, year of publication, book title, publisher and place of publication, total number of pages, ISBN number. Format(s)


Joseli Maria Silva (ed.) (2009) Geografias Subversivas: Discursos Sobre Espaço, Gênero e Sexualidades. Todapalavra: Ponta Grossa, 314 pp. (ISBN 978-85-62450-01-3). Paperback/Ebook.

Reviews should be fair, balanced, and objective. There should be no vested interests, conflict of interest, or personal bias for or against the author.

You should describe the content of the book and its aims and objectives. Note how it fits with similar works in the field, and to what audiences in particular it appeals. Please also consider the strengths and weaknesses of the work, perhaps offering critiques where appropriate.

At the end of your review please provide your name, institution/affiliation, and contact details. Follow the same format for coauthored reviews and please be sure the contact author is listed first.



Please familiarize yourself with our plagiarism policies, and also please note that while we are happy for our book reviews to be reproduced on other platforms, we ask that Brasiliana be duly quoted as the original publisher of the review.