Towards an archaeology of rubber por uma arqueologia da borracha

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Tiago Silva Alves Muniz


This article aims to address the impacts of rubber via historical and contemporary archaeology of the Amazon. Through an “archaeology of rubber” a notion of modernity is examined here. From the creation of rubber gloves to snow boots and tires, rubber has allowed humans to expand their interactions with the environment. As these interactions expanded, the consolidation of the Industrial Revolution and Occidentalism entangled actors in a complex web of meanings, becomings and agencies in opposition to local knowledge. Through a plural and multispecies approach, this article places the study of rubber’s materiality in the field of the archaeology of capitalism and modernity. Also, through oral history, deep archival research and public archaeology, local ontologies and materialities offer contemporary archaeology a more elastic view, aimed at widening perceptions of a global story.

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How to Cite
Silva Alves Muniz, T. (2021). Towards an archaeology of rubber: por uma arqueologia da borracha. Brasiliana: Journal for Brazilian Studies, 9(2), 233–251.
Author Biography

Tiago Silva Alves Muniz, Linnaeus University

Tiago Muniz currently is a Visiting Researcher at Department of Cultural Sciences at Linnaeus University (Kalmar, Sweden) and a PhD candidate in Anthropology/Archaeology at Graduate Program in Anthropology at the Federal University of Pará, Brazil. Muniz has experience in Archaeology, focusing on the following subjects: Contemporary Archaeology, Historical Archeology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Amazonian Archaeology, Archaeology of Ethnicity, Ceramic Analysis, Archaeobotany, Heritage, Critical Heritage Studies, Heritage Futures, Education, Environmental Education, Teaching-learning. Tiago Muniz has a master’s degree in Archaeology and a specialization in Quaternary Geology (subarea: Archaeology) both at National Museum – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.


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