Halvvejgård og Kongeengen – to nyundersøgte lokaliteter med hustomter fra senneolitikum og ældre bronzealder ved Vejen i Sydjylland.

Foreløbige betragtninger


  • Martin Egelund Poulsen


In the central part of southern Jutland, two
settlements with houses from the Late Neolithic
and Early Bronze Age have recently
been excavated in Vejen. At Halvvejgård
and Kongeengen, respectively excavated
in 2020 and 2022, seven two-aisled houses
from the Late Neolithic and the earliest
Bronze Age (c. 2300 – 1500 BC) were
found along with ten three-aisled longhouses
from the middle of the Early Bronze
Age (c. 1500 – 1200 BC). Four of the twoaisled
houses had sunken-floors, while two
houses had wall trenches and represent a
rarely excavated two-aisled house-type that
sometimes features three-aisled elements.
Nine three-aisled houses from the younger
settlement had bole-walls, and three of
these were of monumental size, measuring
39 – 45 × 8 m. Observations in some of the
postholes clearly support the interpretation
as bole-walls. Two of these houses have remarkably
early radiocarbon dates, which is
relevant in the discussion of the transition
between the two- and three-aisled building
tradition. The settlements at Halvvejgård
and Kongeengen represent new important
additions to earlier excavated Late Neolithic
and Early Bronze Age settlements in the
local area and the region of southern Jutland
as well.





Poulsen, M. E. (2023). Halvvejgård og Kongeengen – to nyundersøgte lokaliteter med hustomter fra senneolitikum og ældre bronzealder ved Vejen i Sydjylland.: Foreløbige betragtninger. Arkæologi I Slesvig-Archäologie in Schleswig, 2022(19), 75–96. Abgerufen von https://tidsskrift.dk/arkaeologi_i_Slesvig/article/view/142244


