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Die Europäische Route der Megalithkultur in Schleswig-Holstein - Ergebnisse eines archäologischen Vermittlungsprojektes zwischen denkmalbasierter Forschung und Kulturtourismus


Megalithic monuments are one of the most
important archaeological site categories
in Europe. They offer a high potential for
regional identification. The monuments
in Schleswig-Holstein which form part of
the »European Route of Megalithic
« (www.megalithicroutes.eu) are unique
for the state itself, but can be seen – on a
European level – as a connecting factor as
well. In 2013 »Megalithic
Routes« was officially
recognised as a cultural route by the
Council of Europe. With the »Steinzeitpark
Dithmarschen« there is in 2019 only one
member of the international association
»Megalithic Routes e. V.« in Schleswig-Holstein
which deals with the protection, the
educational use, and communication of
megaliths. In this context and in the frame
of the »European Year of Culture 2018« under
the SHARING HERITAGE mission, the
State Archaeology Department of Schleswig-
Holstein (Archäologisches Landesamt
Schleswig-Holstein, Schleswig) and the
Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen, Albersdorf,
took the opportunity to initiate a joint project
for the valuation of European Routes of
Megalithic Culture and its archaeological
legacy in Schleswig-Holstein. An exchange
of ideas, networks and participation in
the regional and international contexts of
citizens and experts are the pillars of this
project. The results of this project, which
ended with an international conference in
december 2019 and a publication about reception
history of the megaliths, are presented
in short form in this paper.






Die Europäische Route der Megalithkultur in Schleswig-Holstein - Ergebnisse eines archäologischen Vermittlungsprojektes zwischen denkmalbasierter Forschung und Kulturtourismus. (2021). Arkæologi I Slesvig-Archäologie in Schleswig, 2020(18), 289–301. Abgerufen von https://tidsskrift.dk/arkaeologi_i_Slesvig/article/view/128622