Das "Nydamboot" im Museum: Inwertsetzungen und Präsentationen im Wandel der Zeit


  • Tobias Schade


value, however, is not inherent but culturally
constructed and is closely related to
practices of valorisation. These objects, and
also the past itself, may become socio-cultural
›resources‹ (according to the definition
of the Collaborative Research Centre
SFB 1070 ResourceCultures). As such
they have meanings for museums, societies,
and social groups.
These meanings can also become evident
in the way the objects are presented
in museums, in the changing presentations
through time, and in the way they
are received.
The focus of this article is the process
of musealisation and on exhibition studies
using the example of the ›Nydamboot‹ exhibited
in Schleswig (Germany).
Based on various sources from archives
and newspapers as well as interviews with
experts, this contribution discusses how
the archaeological find in the bog became
the present exhibit ›Nydamboot‹, and how
meanings related to the boat changed
through time and became apparent in
its exhibitions in Flensburg, Kiel, and
the ›Nydamboot‹ is not only
an archaeological
object or an exhibit, it is
also a historical witness, a creator of identity,
and a symbol.





Schade, T. (2021). Das "Nydamboot" im Museum: Inwertsetzungen und Präsentationen im Wandel der Zeit. Arkæologi I Slesvig-Archäologie in Schleswig, 2020(18), 139–157. Abgerufen von https://tidsskrift.dk/arkaeologi_i_Slesvig/article/view/128614